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xanthine oxidase造句

"xanthine oxidase"是什么意思  
  • Second , carbon nanotube ( cnt ) was used in the fabrication of xanthine oxidase ( xod ) biosensor . xod / cnt / gc electrode was fabricated . the influences of cnt , ph and scan rate to the electrode were discussed
    系统地研究了ph 、扫速对hrp酶电极电化学性能的影响,优化了电极的制备条件,实现了hrp酶电极对h2o2的响应,并考察了电极的稳定性。
  • In the present study , after treated with xanthine / xanthine oxidase system , cells viability , cells cycle , the expression of apoptosis proteins p53 , bax and bcl - 2 , and the level of superoxidase , glutathione , malondialdehyde of neuronal differentiated pc 12 cells in the absence and / or presence of c . chinensis extract were also compared
    通过比较活性氧作用细胞后的细胞活力、细胞周期、凋亡相关蛋白( p53 、 bax 、 bcl - 2 )水平以及细胞中sod 、 gsh 、 mda的差异,发现菟丝子提取物对活性氧引起的细胞凋亡有一定的保护作用。
  • It's difficult to see xanthine oxidase in a sentence. 用xanthine oxidase造句挺难的
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